Squad Shang Tournaments
Previous Winners
Diamond+ League
Tournament Format
Two Tournaments run simultaneously
Tournament 1: Metal Leagues (Bronze to Platinum)
Tournament 2: Diamond to Masters (No GM)
Group Stages
Best of 3
Round Robin
- 2000 Atmospheres LE
- Glittering Ashes LE
- [TLMC16] Waterfall
No Map Vetoes
2 Players
move on
from each group
Best of 5
Current Map Pool
Map Vetoes:
- 1 Veto Each
2 Players
move on
Grand Finals
Best of 7
Current Map Pool
Map Vetoes:
Prizes: TBA
Tournament Rules
1. Sportsmanship
Bad Manners will not be tolerated. All players should be treated fairly and with respect.
2. Scheduling
Once the tournament has started and the matches have been announced for each round, players will have a total of 72 hours to play the match, but must schedule it within 48 hours. If there is a scheduling conflict, please contact a moderator.
3. No Show
Players must arrive on time to their scheduled match. If a player is 15 or more minutes late they will be considered a no-show and will forfeit.
4. Match Results
Players are responsible for reporting their own scores to the challonge website.
5. Match Media
One player from each match must send in the replays to a tournament organizer. This should be done through discord.
Please rename replays using this format:
- Player1vsPlayer2G1.sc2replay
- Player1vsPlayer2G2.sc2replay
- Player1vsPlayer2G3.sc2replay
- Etc...
6. Group Stage Format
In the group stages maps will be played in the following order:
- 2000 Atmospheres LE
- Glittering Ashes LE
- [TLMC16] Waterfall
7. Map Vetoes
Players that advance to the semi-finals will have to perform map vetoes. This will be done as follows:
- Players will flip a coin to determine who picks first
- Players will then take turns eliminating maps until the appropriate number remain
- Players will then continue to take turns picking maps to determine the order in which they are to be played
8. Game Settings
Please use the following game settings:
- Category: Melee
- Mode: 1v1
- Game Duration: Infinite
- Game Speed: Faster
- Locked Alliances: Yes
- Custom Mod: Homestory Cup XX ***Check FAQ for instructions if you are unsure what this means***